Hence it is transmissible via cellular phones from which manifests as hallucinations. The exorcist explains that spiritual energy operates in the same electromagnetic spectrum as light/ microwaves. Meanwhile, a TV producer that approached Taylor a day prior prepares to record her exorcism.

Moreover, Jean notes nine admissions between April–May for Marie's children (Ellie and Laurel) concerning several causes, leading Beth to assume that the mother is affected by FDIA. Layton got questioned by psychiatric nurse Jean Andrews at Saint Luke's infirmary. The registered mortality cause is an acute asthmatic episode, mentioning "no bruising but evidence of past scars" with an attached CPS file for further consultation. Via the morgue's database, they find Ellie Layton's autopsy report, her eldest daughter. The following morning Andrews and Beth set off to research geriatric nurse Marie Layton, originator of the calls. She raises it and views a video of her apparent demise. As a consolation, Beth removes the batteries from their cellphones to render them unreachable. Beth arrives home and finds her friend Taylor Anthony distraught by a premonitory feeling of being the next victim. They discern an indeterminate interrelation between the events, and Andrews provides his contact card. He mentions that his sister Jean interned with Shelley Baum at Saint Luke's hospital and died two days prior. The next day Beth seeks aid at a police department and is introduced to detective Jack Andrews. A red candy is ejected from his mouth, and he collapses. An acetylene tank explosion from the adjacent construction site launches debris into the air, and rebar impales Brian's torso. He shows her the voicemail received post-mortem from Leann's phone, dated minutes away. Beth encounters him outside a coffee shop. At Leann's funeral, her ex-boyfriend Brian Sousa departs after experiencing hallucinations. A red candy pops out of her mouth, and her severed hand dials a number on the phone it's holding. Beth rushes to her location but arrives just as Leann falls off an overpass and gets hit by a train. In the ensuing days, she undergoes disturbing hallucinations and calls Beth for solace while heading home after a study session. She unfolds it and hears an eerie voicemail of herself, dated June 12, 10:17 PM three days in the future. Leann's cellphone rings in a lullaby-esque ringtone, with a call from Shelley. Days later, college students Beth Raymond and Leann Cole discuss Shelley's funeral. A red candy then appears on the pond's surface. As she bends toward the pond to investigate, a hand grabs her and pulls her under the water. A scene transition occurs, and undergraduate Shelley Baum, while sitting outside, hears her cat meowing over the koi pond followed by a splash.